Main Objectives
- Upgrading the knowledge of 4 key professional groups to acquire the skills, materials and resources needed to support people who have experienced sexual harassment and violence or cyber violence.
- Support persons with experiences of gender-based violence, through the operation of a pilot, holistic support center in Athens.
- Provide professionals in 4 key professional areas with knowledge, materials and resources for the support of persons who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence including cyber sexual violence.
- Mitigate the effects of victim blaming observed in the media and promoting a culture of consensus through the training of professional media, in order to become ambassadors of a culture free of sexism.
- Increase awareness and prevention of the phenomenon in the context of Greek society and promotion of the advocacy for the need to establish a framework for protection against cyberbullying at local / national and European level.

Expected Key Results
- Increased knowledge and awareness of key frontline professionals on sexual harassment, sexual violence.
- Increased knowledge of young persons (16-35yrs) on their rights, and available services, which will encourage disclosures and support seeking.
- Targeted, coherent and coordinated support to survivors of violence in an integrated and holistic way.
- Documented change in behavior and beliefs of media professionals and the general public.
- A larger incidence of SH/SV in the political and public agenda of Greece and the EU.

Expected Key Results
- Increased knowledge and awareness of key frontline professionals on sexual harassment, sexual violence.
- Strengthen the knowledge and awareness of frontline professionals on issues of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
- Increased knowledge of young persons (16-35y.o.) on their rights, and available services, which will encourage disclosures and support seeking.
- Targeted, coherent and coordinated support to survivors of violence in an integrated and holistic way.
- Documented change in behavior and beliefs of media professionals and the general public.
- A larger incidence of SH/SV in the political and public agenda of Greece and the EU.