Start of “PRESS” project for the sexual and cyber violence

One year after the greek  social movement “metoo” and the increased accusations for cyber sexual harassment, the new project PRESS (Prevention, Response, Support) starts, aiming to support the young survivors of these types of gender-based violence. Funded by the EU in the context of CERV Project Grants (Project number 101049295), the project is implemented by the Diotima Centre as Coordinator, National Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies and Genderhood as partners, along with Greek Ombudsman and Hellenic Association of Social Workers as supporting agencies, between 1 February 2022- 31 January 2024.

The main goal of the project is the creation of a pilot, holistic supportive place for women, young people, and LGBTIQ victims or potential victims of these types of gender based violence. This place will be operated on the center of Athens and it will provide psychological and social support as well as legal/advisory aid to the survivors. There will be also team activities for young adults and adolescents of age between 16-17, with main goal the encouragement and the sensitization. 

We are focusing on preventing cyber sexual harassment and violence by creating training campaigns for professionals on media, contributing to the increase of the accusations, the attenuation of victim blaming attitude and the promotion of a consensus culture.

Considering that consciousness raising of the society is an urgent tool for addressing cyber sexual harassment and violence, there will be two basic digital campaigns. One of them is addressed to young persons and it will be about consent, respect and body boundaries. 

The project includes:

  • Training seminars for professionals and students such as mental health and social workers, educators, lawyers in order to increase their capacities and support victims of gender-based violence.
  • Research Activities: desk research on sexual harassment and cyber violence with proposals on taking measures and drafting a Good Practice Guide on consent.
  • Advocacy activities: proposals on how to mainstream gender in news and organization of a roundtable discussion with experts and young people.